List of ECOBIAS Courses

Courses selected by ECOBIAS HEIs:

1. Aquatic ecotoxicology (Task Leader P3; other partners involved: P1, P2, P4), develop for: P10, P8, P9, P11

2. Aquatic and semi-aquatic macrophytes (Task Leader P1; other partners involved: P2, P3), develop for: P6, P10

3. Aquatic macroinvertebrates in bioassessment (Task Leader P3; other partners involved: P1, P2), develop for: P6, P10

4. Phycology (Task Leader P1; other partners involved: P3), develop for: P6, P10

5. Algology (Task Leader P3; other partners involved: P1), develop for: P9

6. Freshwater ecology (Task Leader P1; other partners involved: P2, P3), develop for: P7, P8, P9

7. Wetland and riparian ecology (Task Leader P2; other partners involved: P1, P3), develop for: P8, P9

8. Practicum in Ecology/ Botany (Task Leader P1; other partners involved: P2, P3), develop for: P7, P8

9. Practicum in Ecology/ Zoology (Task Leader P3; other partners involved: P1, P2), develop for: P7, P8

10. Ecological projects (Task Leader P2; other partners involved: P3, P4), develop for: P9, P11

11. GIS and Remote Sensing in ecomonitoring (Task Leader P1), develop for: P6, P7, P8, P9

12. Ichthyology (Task Leader P2; other partners involved: P1, P2), develop for: P6, P10

13. Conservation ecology (Task Leader P2; other partners involved: P3, P4), develop for: P8

14. Numerical Ecology (Task Leader P2; other partners involved: P1, P3, P4), develop for: P5, P8, P9

15. Methodology of science in Ecology (Task Leader P2; other partners involved: P1, P3, P4), develop for: P5, P7, P11

16. Freshwater microbiology (Task Leader P1; other partners involved: P3), develop for: P8, P9, P10, P11

17. eDNA monitoring (Task Leader P4), develop for: P8

18. EU and regional legislation in management of freshwaters (Task Leader P3; other partners involved: P2, P4), develop for: P5, P7, P11

19. System for evaluating rivers for conservation (Task Leader P1), develop for: P5, P6, P9, P10

20. Field practice in aquatic botany and zoology (Task Leader P1; other partners involved: P2, P3), develop for: P5

21. Field practice in aquatic monitoring (Task Leader P3; other partners involved: P, P), develop for: P5, P6, P7, P8, P11

22. Biodiversity conservation (Task Leader P3), develop for: P11

23. Environmental engineering (Task Leader P1), develop for: P7, P11

24. Water protection technologies (Task Leader P1), develop for: P5, P10, P7, P11

25. Bioindication and biomonitoring of aquatic ecosystems (Task Leader P2; other partners involved: P1), develop for: P7

26. Classification protocols and systems in ecomonitoring (Task Leader P3), develop for: P8

27. Forensic essentials in aquatic insects ecology (Task Leader P2), develop for: P8

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