Course Objective: The aim of this course is to develop skills of analyzing the conditions at various types of aquatic ecosystems.
Course Outcome: Structure of the practicum involves balance of classroom-style lectures, field-based instruction, field and laboratory exercises and integrated group projects, with an aim to provide knowledge about the final assessment tool, including complete aquatic ecosystem assessment based on the zoological part of the biocenosis. Fieldtrips are designed to expose students to different types of aquatic ecosystems, management objectives and practices.
Green, W.R., Robertson, D.M., and Wilde, F.D., 2015. Lakes and reservoirs—Guidelines for study design and sampling: U.S. Geological Survey Techniques of Water-Resources Investigations, book 9, chap. A10, 65 p.
Hauer, F. R., Lamberti, G. A. 2007. Methods in stream ecology, Elsevier